Pembroke Fencing Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members. The club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with Any Club Official.

Sports clubs for young people should offer a positive experience where they can learn new things in a safe and positive environment.

To ensure a safe, productive and sportsmanlike atmosphere for all our members, everyone entering our facility must adhere to our Code of Conduct and is expected to hold one another to these standards. By using our facility, fencers, their families and guests, agree to abide by the Code of Conduct / Rules and Regulations and be subject to its disciplinary provisions.

  1. Members, families, and guests are expected to show respect for our fencers, coaches, visitors, staff, facility and the rules of the sport.
  2. Abide by the precepts of integrity, good sportsmanship, and respect while fencing and in your daily life. Demonstrate respect and good sportsmanship with both words and actions. Everyone who attends Pembroke Fencing Club activities has the right to feel safe, included, valued, and accepted.
  3. Members, families, and guests are to respect the Club facility, Club property, and the fencer’s personal property.
  4. All fencers are expected to be generous, flexible, honest and of goodwill with one another.
  5. Lose with honour and win with dignity.
  6. Less experienced fencers should ask more experienced fencers to bout. Experienced fencers should fence with less experienced fencers with patience and encouragement.
  7. When entering the Salle, the fencer must greet your coaches and fellow members. When leaving, give your regards to your coaches and fellow members as well.
  8. Fencers utilizing the Club’s equipment are required to ensure it remains clean and in working condition. All Club equipment must remain on the premises. Fencers must return their fencing equipment and apparel to their appropriate storage areas in an orderly fashion after each use.
  9. Be respectful while fencing. At the end of a bout, shake your opponent’s hand with your non-weapon hand. Never argue with a referee, opponent, instructor, or coach.
  10. Fencers, their families, and guests must behave properly at all times. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • No swearing or yelling
  • No name-calling or negative talk
  • No throwing Club or personal equipment
  • No hitting or kicking the floor or walls
  • No cheating
  • No misuse of Club or personal property
  1. Fencers, their families, and guests who continue to violate these guidelines after being told to stop may be required to cease fencing for the evening.
  2. The severe unsportsmanlike behaviour listed below will result in immediate suspension from the Club. You will be required to leave the facility immediately. You will be prohibited from using the facility until the Board of Directors reviews the actions of the fencer. The fencer may appeal the suspension to the Board of Directors. The Board’s decisions are final.
  • Dangerously throwing equipment
  • Willful misuse or damage to the club or personal property
  • Dangerous or vindictive fencing
  • Fighting, including shouting matches and threats
  • Extreme unsportsmanlike conduct
  • Failure to follow the directives of the coach(s), manager or club officer(s)


FENCING MEMBERSHIP: Non-members may take eight (8) introductory lessons. Once the introductory lessons are completed, a non-member must complete a Member Agreement and purchase their equipment (mask, jacket, lamé and mask cord (Foil), 2 body cords, 2 weapons, knickers, and plastron) within a month. Exceptions are the intermediate course for seniors and fencing classes for children U14.

PAYMENT: All Members must pay the Club dues. Club dues are required regardless of attendance Any member delinquent greater than thirty days (30) may not participate in fencing activities until the outstanding dues are brought current.

SIGN IN: Non-member fencers must pay the Guest floor fee of 20 euros.

ATTIRE: Proper attire is required for participants using the Club. Fencing knickers are required during all practices. Introductory fencers may wear long athletic pants until they become members. Shirts and shoes are required in all public and recreational areas. Athletic or fencing shoes are required.

EQUIPMENT CLUB: Introductory fencers can use Club equipment including weapons, masks, cords, jackets, lamé, gloves, and plastrons as available for their eight (8) lessons. One (1) month after the Introductory fencer has signed the Club Membership Agreement, the fencer is required to have obtained personal equipment (Mask, 2 weapons, 2 body cords, jacket, lamé & mask cord (foil), glove, chest protector, plastron, knickers) or to attend the Intermediate course where the gear is provided. Otherwise, a Rental Fee will be added to the membership fees. All fencers who use the Club equipment are responsible for the repair or replacement of any damage or loss of equipment while it is in their possession.

PERSONAL: All Members are required to supply their equipment within one (1) month of becoming a Club member.

CHANGING ROOMS: All Members are expected to keep their changing room area neat and clean. The Club is not responsible for the personal property of Members or guests.

DAMAGES: The cost to repair damage to the Club’s facility or equipment by a Member, their family or Member’s Guest shall be paid by the Member or parent/legal guardian if under 18.


Children under the age of ten must be accompanied and supervised by an adult (age 18 or older) at all times while at the Club.

FACILITY RESTRICTIONS: Restricted areas for families, guests and children is a STORAGE AREA.

GENERAL:  All Members shall be required to comply with and abide by any rules and regulations governing the Club. Members who violate such Rules and Regulations shall be subject to the termination of his/her membership.

FACILITY CLOSING: The Club staff reserves the right to close the facility from time to time for holidays and/or emergencies.